Friday, January 23, 2009


Hola! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately! I had my finals this week, so my first semester is officially over woo! So yea I have that all out of the way so I'm good to go this weekend to do whatever. Today was pretty cool, it was our last day of finals with only two of them, but I still had to wake up at the normal time. Whyyyy do they have finals so early in the morning?! It makes no sense. They should let us sleep in and rest our minds for real. But anyways, I digress. Me and two of my friends didn't have a final to take for 6th hour, which was the second period this morning (the scheduling is all weird due to trying to make people's lunch hours closer to noon), so we totally just went over to my friend Brian's house and chilled. It was weird because we got there at like 9:00 and we're all like...Whoa its early lol But anyways we had a fun time just chilling and guess what...we played Monopoly! The Star Wars version lol It wasn't as fun as playing with you guys though, especially seems how when Brian didn't want to play anymore he just flipped the board over and was like "Lets go do something else now." lol Although none of us ever look happy when we're playing Monopoly whenever I look at my picture book from Texas (which I love sooo much by the way! thanks for staying up all night and making it! and keeping me company when I wasn't feeling good from those monsters lol) So we stayed there until like 5:00, then me and the other kid that was there, Lucas, went and stopped by his house to pick up some stuff before we headed out to this awesome dodgeball tournament we were having at our church. But when we got there I was all like, Oh man I didn't eat supper lol So I played dodgeball from like 6:00 to 9:00 and afterwards I was pretty much dying of dehydration and lack of energy lol So then I came home, laid down for a while, and decided to write a post seems how it has been forever! I miss you guys so much and really hope I can come up again this Summer! Sorry for the long run-on post! :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

This post is dedicated to Valerie Hall

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize how long it has been since my last post. And no wonder, nothing exciting ever happens to me to post about lol. Well it was nice getting back to my regular church after like a month away from it (although the music isn't any better than I remember it lol) And school wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have finals next week -is overcome with sadness and fear- But yea nothing much new. I really need to get cracking on my music theory song so it can actually be done by the end of the semester, seems how I'm not taking it next semester. I'm almost done with it though, so I should get it finished even if it is a little rough around the edges. Hopefully it isn't too bad seems how we're probably gonna play it in our jazz band at school and record it so my teacher can hear it, seems how he teaches at another school. Then I can just get Maggie to bring it to him. Oh yea and we had our Christmas party for our little band thing on Sunday. I felt bad because a couple people gave me presents and I didn't know if I was supposed to bring any lol. Oooooh wellll. Oh and the best bit this past week has been the last two days off of school because of the cold weather WOO! So yea that was definitely a plus, I got some studying in for finals and got to relax and what not. Hopefully this post wasn't too random, I just said whatever popped into my head lol

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So yea my computer decided to stop working sometime yesterday, and didn't get fixed until like...2 minutes ago. I was standing over my dad's shoulder like OMG When is it gonna be done?! I was anxious, what can I say :) Anyway not much to report on, yesterday was my brother's birthday so he had some weird girl over to hang out with...Which would have been a prime time to work on my blog, but no, my comp was being dumb -sadness- Anyways I just got my brother a card and some gift cards for Subway lol delicious. We went to this awesome restaurant earlier for his birthday, it's called the Corner House, which is actually only a few blocks from our house, and its got like nationally renowned prime rib, its sooooo delicious! It sucks though because I forgot to mention my parents had to get a new car while I was in Texas, and for some reason it doesn't have power locks...So I have to stand out in the cold and snow and wait for them to crawl in the front seat, reach back, and unlock the back door by hand lol. Oh and it has windows that you have to crank open. You could say we're toughing it lol. We also started playing this awesome new song in my band class, Phantom of the Opera Medley, and I know it is one of Brittany's favorites so every time we play it I'm all like THE STEGALLS! I MISS YOU! lol its emotional

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School

Yes, it came, that dreaded first day back to school after Christmas break. It was especially dull and excrutiating considering the amazing time I had in Texas! Not to mention the early wake up time required for such an event, slightly earlier than I have been used to these last few weeks, although I do not regret the decision to stay up so late every night with my awesome cousins! The day brightened up a little however when Maggie sang "Aaron, Aaron, Aaron" to me right on schedule as I walked through the doors to first hour lol. The day went fairly smoothly I suppose, it was good to get back to my friends, even though I wish that I was still partying in Texas woo! I didn't get to talk to my friends a whole lot today, kinda hectic, but it was cool just to see them again. I'll get to talk to some of them at church tonight anyways, so I'll leave a comment on how that went, hopefully there will be some other comments by then too!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A (tad bit) late Christmas

Well I spent the majority of my day today at my grandparents house to celebrate a late Christmas party with my dad's side of the family. It started kinda early, at 11:30, because my brother had to work in the afternoon, so I had to miss church. But I got a good lunch (including lots of shrimp) so it's all good! And I made an important discovery: My beloved Texan cousins are actually my 3rd cousins! And no wonder, only such a distant relationship could explain our varying skills in Monopoly! -AHEM- Kiersten -cough- -cough- Its ok you make up for it in personality lol...Anyways...The "party" was cool I guess, but not as cool as our awesome Kwanzaa and New Year's celebrations in Texas these past weeks! So anyways I was bored when I got back and decided to write this, so comment and make this drab post worth while!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back at Home

Well I had a wonderful time these past two weeks in Texas with my second cousins Brittany, Kiersten, and Josh, but alas, all good things must come to an end. It is going to be hard getting up for school this week after all those late nights watching movies and playing Monopoly until 4:00 and later (sorry you don't have any more chances to win Kiersten, truly I am! -chuckles-)Hopefully I won't miss much the first few days while I'm sleeping in class. All thanks go out to the previously mentioned second cousins of mine for helping me get this blog set up before my trip back to the horrid Wisconsin -shivers- burr. At least the plane trip wasn't too long. I would have liked to have gotten a nap in, but unfortunately there was a little girl behind me who kept kicking the back of my seat! (Luckily she was too adorable for me to be mad at her though.) It will be hard having nobody to play Monopoly with or stay up late talking to, hopefully I will be able to come back to my beloved Texas and cousins before long! Gotta keep the first post short, don't want everyone to get bored out of their minds right away! Monopoly King out. Stay beautiful.