Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So yea my computer decided to stop working sometime yesterday, and didn't get fixed until like...2 minutes ago. I was standing over my dad's shoulder like OMG When is it gonna be done?! I was anxious, what can I say :) Anyway not much to report on, yesterday was my brother's birthday so he had some weird girl over to hang out with...Which would have been a prime time to work on my blog, but no, my comp was being dumb -sadness- Anyways I just got my brother a card and some gift cards for Subway lol delicious. We went to this awesome restaurant earlier for his birthday, it's called the Corner House, which is actually only a few blocks from our house, and its got like nationally renowned prime rib, its sooooo delicious! It sucks though because I forgot to mention my parents had to get a new car while I was in Texas, and for some reason it doesn't have power locks...So I have to stand out in the cold and snow and wait for them to crawl in the front seat, reach back, and unlock the back door by hand lol. Oh and it has windows that you have to crank open. You could say we're toughing it lol. We also started playing this awesome new song in my band class, Phantom of the Opera Medley, and I know it is one of Brittany's favorites so every time we play it I'm all like THE STEGALLS! I MISS YOU! lol its emotional


    (or i could call u )
    well since im done callin u names while screamin my head off, i guess i could jus talk 2 u normally. i miss u so much theres like nothing 2 do but paint pictures of the chair u sat in while u were here and cut off pieces of my ears. lol, jk. :) jus in case u get on my blog im prolly not goin 2 write on it that much since like u are the only one reading it.
    not that ur not important or anything like that, its jus i dnt want 2 waste my time typing some long thing that only 1 person is goin 2 read it. again no offense. well nice talking 2 u . bye :)

  2. Ahhh!! You sooooooooo need to come back to Texas!! We miss you soooooooo much and it's not the same here :( literally, it's warm down instead of freezing your butt off in Wisconsin you could be enjoying the 50 degree weather down here LOL.
    Im sorry i haven't been able to keep up with my blog like i used to...with finals coming up in a few days most of my time has been consumed with studying lol but, after they are done with I'll be free again! LOL until then i'll get on as much as possible to keep it updated though! :)

  3. hey aaron, as soon as i read the phantom of the opera part i was like,"GGGGAAASSSPPP! i love that song!!!" and then i kept reading and u mentioned i liked it and i was like,"WWWOOOWWW!!! how does he remember all that stuff???" i thought about u in precal today because we were reviewing and i saw a bunch of the digits of pie and i wanted to jump up and say,"HHHHEEEYYY!!!! guess what second cousin(or is it third?) can say like the first sixty somethin' digits of pie!!!!!" lol we r really missin' u man hope u can come back soon.

  4. hey my wanted me to tell u that she says "HI"

  5. Your what wanted to say Hi to me? lol Sister perhaps? I probably won't do a lot of actual posts, I'll probably just start talking through these comments mostly. By the way, its 3.1415926535897932384626... etc. Start memorizing! I expect you all to know more digits than me the next I see you guys!

  6. ok so its 1.3, im mean .31, or no maybe its 13. i dont know. any ways that really awesome that u can do that. wen i first heard it i waz like DUDE, OMGGTWGIGATAOTWHWICOACT!!! oh yeah oact stands for( On A College Trip) lol :)
    AHH!!! i jus remembered that i still have 2 study 4 those STUPID,STINKIN, GOOD 4 NOTHIN,WASTEFUL,ABSOLUTLEY DRIVES EVERYONE BUT THE TEACHERS INSANELY CRAZY,.........FINAL EXAMS!!!!!DAH,DAH,DAAAAHHHHHH. (that waz suposed 2 b the creepy music if u dndt know )oh & wate 4 it.................................
    ( and that ladys and gentlemen, that waz every teacher in the whole intire WORLD laughing at every student in the whole intire WORLD because they know that were all goin to fail and have 2 drop out of school because were so stupidly dumb and helpless. and wat does that mean 4 them, o that means they have 2 get a new job that pays better so that means they get more money while we stay home and watch
    re-runs of the Andy Griffith Show which we all know is jus utterly boring and torture 2 us all. so yeah thats my theory. oh wow that was kool, i jus went out side and saw the moon which had a HUUUUUGGGGGEEEE ring lookin thing around it which made it look like an eye, which reminded me of the "All Seing Eye" off of Lord of the Rings which kinda freaked me out how "it" was lookin right at me like that and all.

  7. LOL LOL LOL Josh ur comment was HILARIOUS!!! :) U rock lil bro :)

    Hey, Aaron! What's up?...i was bragging to Clay the other day how you know the first 60 didgets of pi and he was like, "Whoa! ur cousin like smart?". I was kinda like "Duh! he's smart lol i don't know many stupid ppl who can recite 60 didgets of pi! LOL

  8. LOL I must agree with blaire on that one, that was pure literary genius my man. You have really captured the stream of consciousness method of writing, you're going places boy! All you have to do for all of your finals is produce a masterpiece of merely half the quality of that comment and you will surely receive high honors in all of your classes, your teachers will be so impressed! You will never have to watch the Andy Grififths show again! lol And I agree, finals are horrible, but I guess I'm lucky because we never had finals in sixth grade, my first final wasn't until 9th. So yea I sympathize with ya there buddy. And its wierd that you mention the all seeing eye, because my bro was just watching the Lord of th Rings on dvd! COINCIDENCE! By the way those digits of pi are really coming along!

    However I don't see you working on those pi digits Kiersten! You don't need to brag to Clay about me knowing the digits of pi when you could very well be reciting them yourself! (And by the way a lot of mentally challenged people have great memories lol) Hope you two have a great time at homecoming!

  9. Thank you :) I really wish that you could be there!..i'll post pics for you though on my blog. In the meantime, if i find extra time i will start learning those pi didgets. That would be impressive! lol.

    Well, i start finals tomorrow :( not excited about It'll be aight, I'll just be studying from now til friday. Fun fun!! lol
